I used to avoid looking in the mirror as I was so ashamed of what I saw.  I hated the way I looked.  The fact I had to wear baggy clothing to hide what others saw, and my insecurities.  

For years I didn’t believe in myself to change – this is just how I am supposed to be.  I was scared of failing.  Scared of feeling happy.

Then when one day in my late teens, I decided enough was enough.  I couldn’t continue living this way.  I committed to changing the way I looked.

I  tried a bunch of stupid fad diets that didn’t last long, and became obsessed with burning as many calories as possible through cardio alone.  The result was the scales went down – a lot! It spurred me on to eat less and exercise more.  I was buzzing.  People were treating me differently, and the number on the scales was moving in the right direction.  

But I was still unhappy with my body – I might have been lighter but when I looked in the mirror there was no muscle tone – just skin hanging off of me.  I then learned how to strength train through my personal training qualification – and weights changed everything.  Finally my body started toning up – and I was becoming less insecure with the way I looked.  

The lesson I learned from my own transformation was that I had to see, feel, understand and really confront the pain I was in before taking action to change.  For years I had ignored and blocked out my fears, doubts and imperfections.  It was only when I took a long hard look at myself and admitted my insecurities, that I truly understood what I no longer wanted.  

I visualised how I wanted to look and to feel – a 2.0 version of myself.  Yes it took a lot of hard work to change my eating habits, to develop self-discipline, to not sit for hours playing on the computer (yes I really did!) and go for a walk or jog instead – but I couldn’t go back to feeling that pain.  It was so worth it to remove the unhappiness and emptiness I felt from being overweight.  

Now whenever I feel dissatisfied or unhappy, I ask myself how would I feel if I stayed exactly where I was at for the next 5, 10, 20 years.  I make myself feel that pain – and use it to spur me on to take action and change my life – visualising that new 2.0 version of myself.    

I have recently launched my signature plan.  I am so excited to be working with a group of ladies who have done exactly that – they have been brave, recognised that they are not where they want to be…And they have done something about it.  They have taken a risk and invested in themselves.  I can’t wait to help them live the lives they deserve.  

Are you living the life you truly want?

If you would like to work with me online coaching is available.  Contact me to book a complimentary call.

I also run a free Facebook group for mature female cyclists where I share lots of tips for improving on hills, endurance, speed, power, health, strength and hormones. Here’s the link if you’d like to join:

‍Or if you’d like to see more info about the Online Cycling Transformation Program for Mature Females, where we transform your health, performance, enjoyment and longevity on and off the bike, here is that link: