My training was so inconsistent – I was flying and felt great one day, and the next I felt awful and totally empty.  I knew I needed help.  I realised I wasn’t eating enough to fuel my training and more importantly my recovery.

I knew I had to do the thing that scared me the most – and that was reaching out and asking for help.  

I knew I couldn’t do this on my own.  I had been trying to do this on my own for years without making any progress.  I had to take myself out of my comfort zone and hire a mentor.  

It was one of the best decisions I made.  It was a tough journey but definitely the most rewarding thing I have ever done as my performance started hitting levels I’d always dreamed of.  

Working with a mentor was the difference between success and failure.

I became educated about optimal ways to fuel my training and maximise my recovery, and once I had implemented the changes I found another gear.  

My macros were adjusted for me and my body as circumstances changed.

Whenever I was struggling I could turn to my mentor for support – she was always there for me.  

Having someone to be accountable to enabled me to be consistent.  

Most importantly this wasn’t a temporary fix – it was a permanent lifestyle change which has enabled me to maximise my training ever since.

If you know there are things in your life that are holding you back, don’t make my mistake and wait 10 years to take action.  Take the bull by the horns and make that change today.

Imagine where you would be now if you had started 5 years ago.

If you would like to work with me online coaching is available.  Contact me to book a complimentary call.

I also run a free Facebook group for mature female cyclists where I share lots of tips for improving on hills, endurance, speed, power, health, strength and hormones. Here’s the link if you’d like to join:

‍Or if you’d like to see more info about the Online Cycling Transformation Program for Mature Females, where we transform your health, performance, enjoyment and longevity on and off the bike, here is that link: